Coin Collection Information DataBase
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Welcome. You are currently looking at the informational website for the Coin Collection Information DataBase (CCIDB) software. This website is intended to teach you about the software, where it came from, and show you how it looks before you use it.
So, let's begin with the "what". What is CCIDB? Well, it's exactly as the name says, it is a piece of software intended to help you store Information about your Coin Collection in a DataBase. Simple! In other terms, it is a cataloging software. There are two versions, free and paid. If you choose to use the free version, which is totally open source, you get to pay nothing for using it, but it does require a bit of manual setup that may be complex for some. Meanwhile, the paid version is centrally hosted (in the "cloud", if you would) and requires very little setup to begin using it. To recoup the cost for hosting it, there is a small, one time $20 fee to being using the paid version. Otherwise, there is no, and never will there be, a monthly cost for this cloud version.
With the "what" now explained, "how" it came to be. Made over the course of the COVID-19 lockdown, this software came out of the need of a simple to use, basic cataloging software to track coins. The software has been in active development since then, and currently is on version 4.0.0. There are improvements being made constantly by the sole developer, Wags of puzzling team DA Freqs.
Above this block of text is a slideshow of screenshots taken while using the software in the demo mode. Like what you see? If you do, and you want to begin using the free version, simply click the button labelled "Use CCIDB For Free" at the top of this page. Otherwise, if you would like to being using the cloud version (which, if you do, thank you so much for choosing to buy it!), then click either of the "Buy an activation key on..." buttons. You may purchase your copy at either Gumroad, or eBay, whichever you prefer. Once you receive your activation key, then click "Log In To CCIDB" above and input your activation key. Simple!
Rather experience the free demo for yourself? You can do so by clicking "Log In To CCIDB" above and inputting the activation key that is shown on the next page in gold text. Once you do this, you can play around with the software however you would like (with minor limitations to prevent abuse), and you can make your decision then.
Thank you for choosing to learn more about the software and what it looks like, and happy collecting!